Daiginjo with a fruity and gorgeous lingering ginjo aroma. This is the third signature Daiginjo following Funasaka Brewery's signature brands "Miyamagiku" and "Jingoro". The rice is made from Hyogo Prefecture's Yamadanishiki and polished to only 40%, allowing the sake to have a light, fruity aftertaste with the full "umami" flavor of the rice. It is also the daiginjo that Mr. Hiraoka, who has more than 30 years of experience as a Toji, has dreamed of for a long time. "I dreamed of this sake, and now my dream has blossomed," said Toshiji Hiraoka. This sake is brewed based on the techniques and experience Mr. Hiraoka has acquired in his life as a Toji. You will surely enjoy a wonderful time! Please drink it in a wine glass. The fruity and gorgeous aroma and the slight aroma of koji that arrives will gently envelop your mouth. It is ready to drink when droplets of water start to appear on the bottle due to the temperature difference between the room temperature and the bottle after taking it out of the refrigerator. Also, it was awarded the Gifu Governor's Prize, the highest prize in the Ginjo category, at the 29th Gifu Prefecture New Sake Competition.
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1. 100% Yamadanishiki from Hyogo Prefecture With the recent Daiginjo boom, the ratio of polished rice in Daiginjos on the market has been increasing to 39% and 23%. However, this Daiginjo is brewed with 40% polished rice. It is often said that the closer the rice is to the "heart white," the better the sake will be in terms of mouthfeel and aftertaste. The concept of this sake is to be enjoyed as an aperitif or an in-between-dinner drink. Therefore, sake should not just be "good to drink. We brew sake that will make you want to drink it again, while at the same time allowing you to feel the goodness of sake by utilizing all five senses.
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(2) 2. Brewing with more manual labor In recent years, there have been calls for rationalization in sake brewing. Brewing in an air-conditioned room, in an environm ent that is not affected by the changes of the four seasons, can be said to simulate the cold brewing of sake. However, Yotsuboshi dares to go against the flow of the times by increasing the amount of "manual work" in some parts of the brewery. In January, when it is extremely cold in Hida, Yotsusei closes its restaurant "Aji no Yohei" for two days to spread a sheet over the whole area and open all the "windows" to perform the cooling process by hand. This manual work transforms the rice into steamed rice that can be used for long-term fermentation of the sake.
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3. Daiginjo filled with the Toji's dream Gold medal winning Yotsuboshi This sake is filled with the dreams of Mr. Hiraoka, a Toji with over 30 years of experience. Although he is now one of Hida's leading Toji, he is not a Toji who knows everything from the beginning. He has experienced failure and success through repeated brewing, and has gained experience under the guidance of his predecessors. In 2017, our Daiginjo Yotsuboshi was awarded the gold medal at the National New brew of sake competition, which had been a long-cherished wish of Funasaka Shuzoten. Without resting on our laurels, we will continue to strive forward based on our daily efforts and the teachings of our predecessors. "I dreamed of this sake, and now my dream has blossomed."
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